If he is attacking or fleeing from you he will refuse to discuss the matter the best time to talk is when he is resting at a town or castle. When you confront a lord of the usurper's faction you can try to convince him to join your cause. You can now start besieging the fiefs held by the original faction (as well as those held by any factions that declare war on the rebels), but you can also win fiefs without bloodshed by talking to the lords of the usurper's faction. You will be permanently at war with the original faction for the duration of the rebellion there is also a small chance that other factions will declare war with you. You can pull out of the rebellion at any time by talking to him when you do this he will leave Calradia forever, and the rebel faction will merge back with the original faction (if you are playing Original Mount&Blade) or will be taken over by you as a player kingdom (if you are playing Mount&Blade Warband).Īfter rebelling, a new faction is formed (with "Rebels" appended to the name), and all properties the rebels possess will be labelled in red. If you ask him how the war is going he will give you an overview of how many fiefs and lords each of the two factions has. When you have officially joined the claimant he will declare you the marshal of his new faction and joins your party as a companion you can customise his skills and equipment just like your other companions, but unlike regular companions he has no likes and dislikes.

You also must not be in a faction if you are in a faction you will have to ask the king to release you from your oath unless the claimant wishes to rebel against your faction. To join a claimant you will need 200 Renown. Taking up a claimant's quest to take the throne is a difficult process, but it plays completely differently from being a regular vassal. The Traveler who randomly spawns in taverns can tell you their current locations for 30 gold per name. They travel around from time to time, but they will always be in a town or castle that is not owned by the faction they claim the throne of. The claimants are Lady Isolla of Suno ( Swadians), Prince Valdym the Bastard ( Vaegirs), Dustum Khan ( Khergits), Lethwin Far-Seeker ( Nords), and Lord Kastor of Veluca ( Rhodoks). After you have met each claimant you can mention the claimant's name to that faction's king to hear his side of the story. Each claims the throne of a different faction and has his own explanation for why he is the true leader and the current king is a usurper. During your travels you will come across people who claim to be deposed from ruling a particular faction.